Begin gentle, rise strong: your CBD anti - inflammatory skincare reset journey
Your skin requires time to adapt to the introduction of additional antioxidants, particularly CBD Extract, a potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory ingredient that collaborates with the body's innate endocannabinoid system to heal, soothe, and reduce inflammation in the skin, supporting its essential well-being, radiance, and youthful appearance. Aūxacann has pioneered the ground-breaking CBD LEVEL-UP PROGRAM™ to aid your skin in gradually adapting to higher concentrations of CBD and other beneficial ingredients. As you progress from one level to the next, this system aims to rejuvenate the skin, leaving it looking and feeling healthier.
The CBD LEVEL-UP PROGRAM™ offers a range of progressive strengths within the core ingredient areas of CBD Extract, allowing customers to continually enhance their results over time and potentially enjoy lifelong benefits. Alongside CBD Extract, our skincare formulations include clinical-grade ingredients suitable for any skincare routine, empowering you to achieve the beautiful skin you deserve. Within the Essential Aūxacann skincare line of moisturizers, you'll find a series of products containing increasing levels of CBD, in addition to other essential active ingredients and vitamins. These moisturizers act as a foundational layer, replenishing the vital nutrients your skin loses due to daily wear and tear as.

Step 1
After cleansing with Aūxacann cleanser, start with the moisturizer containing the lowest amount of CBD Extract (50mg) until your skin feels comfortable with this level of CBD.

Step 2
Then, move on to the second-level moisturizer with 150mg of CBD Extract. At this stage, we recommend using 1-2 jars until your skin is completely comfortable before progressing to the final CBD – Level 3 program.

Step 3
The highest concentration of CBD Extract at 350mg is the final level of Aūxacann's CBD Level-Up Program. For this level, we recommend using 2-3 jars.
As you reach the final step in Aūxacann CBD LEVEL- UP PROGRAM™ , you will witness a remarkable transformation in your skin – it becomes progressively smoother, younger, and radiates a healthy glow. Upon reaching this pinnacle level, you should feel your absolute best.
To maintain these remarkable results, it is essential to continue using the 50mg CBD-Level 1 regimen. If there has been a lapse of more than a year in your skincare routine, we strongly recommend restarting at the lowest level for the best outcomes.